Source code for n6sdk.exceptions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (c) 2013-2014 NASK. All rights reserved.

import collections

from n6sdk.encoding_helpers import ascii_str, as_unicode

# Generic mix-ins

[docs]class _ErrorWithPublicMessageMixin(object): r""" A mix-in class that provides the :attr:`public_message` property. The value of this property is a unicode string. It is taken either from the `public_message` constructor keyword argument (which should be a unicode string or an UTF-8-decodable str string) or -- if the argument was not specified -- from the value of the :attr:`default_public_message` attribute (which should also be a unicode string or an UTF-8-decodable str string). The public message should be a complete sentence (or several sentences): first word capitalized (if not being an identifier that begins with a lower case letter) + the period at the end. .. warning:: Generally, the message is intended to be presented to clients. **Ensure that you do not disclose any sensitive details in the message.** .. seealso:: The documentation of the public exception classes provided by this module. The :class:`str` and :class:`unicode` conversions that are provided by the class use the value of :attr:`public_message`: >>> class SomeError(_ErrorWithPublicMessageMixin, Exception): ... pass ... >>> str(SomeError('a', 'b')) # using attribute default_public_message 'Internal error.' >>> str(SomeError('a', 'b', public_message='Sp\xc4\x85m.')) 'Sp\xc4\x85m.' >>> str(SomeError('a', 'b', public_message=u'Sp\u0105m.')) 'Sp\xc4\x85m.' >>> unicode(SomeError('a', 'b')) # using attribute default_public_message u'Internal error.' >>> unicode(SomeError('a', 'b', public_message='Sp\xc4\x85m.')) u'Sp\u0105m.' >>> unicode(SomeError('a', 'b', public_message=u'Sp\u0105m.')) u'Sp\u0105m.' The :func:`repr` conversion results in a programmer-readable representation (containing the class name, :func:`repr`-formatted constructor arguments and the :attr:`public_message` property): >>> SomeError('a', 'b') # using class's default_public_message <SomeError: args=('a', 'b'); public_message=u'Internal error.'> >>> SomeError('a', 'b', public_message='Spam.') <SomeError: args=('a', 'b'); public_message=u'Spam.'> """ #: (overridable in subclasses) default_public_message = u'Internal error.' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): try: public_message = kwargs.pop('public_message') except KeyError: pass else: self._public_message = as_unicode(public_message) try: super(_ErrorWithPublicMessageMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) except TypeError: if kwargs: raise TypeError( 'illegal keyword arguments for {} constructor: {}'.format( self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(sorted(map(repr, kwargs))))) else: raise @property
[docs] def public_message(self): """The aforementioned property.""" try: return self._public_message except AttributeError: # (in subclasses `default_public_message` can also be a @property) self._public_message = as_unicode(self.default_public_message) return self._public_message
def __str__(self): return self.public_message.encode('utf-8') def __unicode__(self): return self.public_message def __repr__(self): return ('<{0.__class__.__name__}: args={0.args!r}; ' 'public_message={0.public_message!r}>'.format(self))
[docs]class _KeyCleaningErrorMixin(object): """ Mix-in for *key cleaning*-related exception classes. Each instance of such a class: * should be initialized with two (positional or keyword) arguments: `illegal_keys` and `missing_keys` that should be sets of -- respectively -- illegal or missing keys (each key being a string); * exposes these arguments as the :attr:`illegal_keys` and :attr:`missing_keys` attributes (for possible later inspection). """ def __init__(self, illegal_keys, missing_keys): self.illegal_keys = illegal_keys self.missing_keys = missing_keys super(_KeyCleaningErrorMixin, self).__init__(illegal_keys, missing_keys)
[docs]class _ValueCleaningErrorMixin(object): """ Mix-in for *value cleaning*-related exception classes. Each instance of such a class: * should be initialized with one argument being a list of (*<key>*, *<offending value or list of offending values>*, *<actual exception>*) tuples -- where *<actual exception>* is the exception instance that caused the error (e.g. a :exc:`~exceptions.ValueError` or an instance of some :exc:`_ErrorWithPublicMessageMixin` subclass); * exposes that argument as the :attr:`error_info_seq` attribute (for possible later inspection). """ def __init__(self, error_info_seq): self.error_info_seq = error_info_seq super(_ValueCleaningErrorMixin, self).__init__(error_info_seq) # # Actual exception classes #
[docs]class FieldValueError(_ErrorWithPublicMessageMixin, ValueError): """ Intended to be raised in :meth:`~.Field.clean_param_value` and :meth:`~.Field.clean_result_value` methods of :class:`n6sdk.data_spec.fields.Field` subclasses. When using it in a :meth:`~.Field.clean_param_value`'s implementation it is recommended (though not required) to insantiate the exception specifying the `public_message` keyword argument. Typically, this exception (as any other :exc:`~exceptions.Exception` subclass/instance raised in a field's :meth:`clean_*_value` method) is caught by the *n6sdk* machinery -- then, appropriately, :exc:`ParamValueCleaningError` (with :attr:`public_message` including :attr:`public_message` of this exception -- see: the :exc:`ParamValueCleaningError` documentation) or :exc:`ResultValueCleaningError` (with :attr:`public message` being just the default and safe ``"Internal error."``) is raised. .. seealso:: :exc:`_ErrorWithPublicMessageMixin` as well as the :exc:`ParamValueCleaningError` and :exc:`ResultValueCleaningError` documentation. """
[docs]class FieldValueTooLongError(FieldValueError): """ Intended to be raised when the length of the given value is too big. Instances *must* be initialized with the following keyword-only arguments: * `field` (:class:`n6sdk.data_spec.fields.Field` instance): the field whose method raised the exception; * `checked_value`: the value which caused the exception (possibly already partially processed by methods of `field`); * `max_length`: the length limit that was exceeded (what caused the exception). They become attributes of the exception instance -- respectively: :attr:`field`, :attr:`checked_value`, :attr:`max_length`. >>> exc = FieldValueTooLongError( ... field='sth', checked_value=['foo'], max_length=42) >>> exc.field 'sth' >>> exc.checked_value ['foo'] >>> exc.max_length 42 >>> FieldValueTooLongError( # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ... checked_value=['foo'], max_length=42) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: __init__() needs keyword-only argument field >>> FieldValueTooLongError( # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ... field='sth', max_length=42) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: __init__() needs keyword-only argument checked_value >>> FieldValueTooLongError( # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ... field='sth', checked_value=['foo']) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: __init__() needs keyword-only argument max_length """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): try: self.field = kwargs.pop('field') self.checked_value = kwargs.pop('checked_value') self.max_length = kwargs.pop('max_length') except KeyError as exc: [kw] = exc.args raise TypeError('__init__() needs keyword-only argument ' + kw) super(FieldValueTooLongError, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class DataAPIError(_ErrorWithPublicMessageMixin, Exception): """ The base class for *client-data-or-backend-API*-related exceptions. (They are **not** intended to be raised in :meth:`clean_*_value` of :class:`~n6sdk.data_spec.fields.Field` subclasses -- use :exc:`FieldValueError` instead.) >>> exc = DataAPIError('a', 'b') >>> exc.args ('a', 'b') >>> exc.public_message # using attribute default_public_message u'Internal error.' >>> unicode(exc) u'Internal error.' >>> str(exc) 'Internal error.' >>> u'{}'.format(exc) u'Internal error.' >>> '{}'.format(exc) 'Internal error.' >>> exc = DataAPIError('a', 'b', public_message='Spam.') >>> exc.args ('a', 'b') >>> exc.public_message # the message passed into constructor u'Spam.' >>> unicode(exc) u'Spam.' >>> str(exc) 'Spam.' >>> u'{}'.format(exc) u'Spam.' >>> '{}'.format(exc) 'Spam.' """
[docs]class AuthorizationError(DataAPIError): """ Intended to be raised by *data backend API* to signal authorization problems. """ default_public_message = u'Access not allowed.'
[docs]class TooMuchDataError(DataAPIError): """ Intended to be raised by *data backend API* when too much data have been requested. """ default_public_message = u'Too much data requested.'
[docs]class ParamCleaningError(DataAPIError): """ The base class for exceptions raised when query parameter cleaning fails. Instances of its subclasses are raised by the *data specification* machinery. """ default_public_message = u'Invalid parameter(s).'
[docs]class ParamKeyCleaningError(_KeyCleaningErrorMixin, ParamCleaningError): r""" This exception should be raised by the *data specification* machinery (in particular, it is raised in :meth:`n6sdk.data_spec.BaseDataSpec.clean_param_dict`) when some client-specified parameter keys (names) are illegal and/or missing. This exception class provides :attr:`default_public_message` (see: :exc:`_ErrorWithPublicMessageMixin`) as a property whose value is a nice, user-readable message that includes all illegal and missing keys. >>> try: ... raise ParamKeyCleaningError({'zz', 'x'}, {'Ę', 'b'}) ... except ParamCleaningError as exc: ... pass ... >>> exc.public_message == ( ... u'Illegal query parameters: "x", "zz". ' + ... u'Required but missing query parameters: "\\u0118", "b".') True >>> exc.illegal_keys == {'zz', 'x'} True >>> exc.missing_keys == {'Ę', 'b'} True """ illegal_keys_msg_template = u'Illegal query parameters: {}.' missing_keys_msg_template = u'Required but missing query parameters: {}.' @property
[docs] def default_public_message(self): """The aforementioned property.""" messages = [] if self.illegal_keys: messages.append(self.illegal_keys_msg_template.format( u', '.join(sorted('"{}"'.format(ascii_str(k)) for k in self.illegal_keys)))) if self.missing_keys: messages.append(self.missing_keys_msg_template.format( u', '.join(sorted('"{}"'.format(ascii_str(k)) for k in self.missing_keys)))) return u' '.join(messages)
[docs]class ParamValueCleaningError(_ValueCleaningErrorMixin, ParamCleaningError): r""" Raised when query parameter value(s) cannot be cleaned (are not valid). Especially, this exception should be raised by the *data specification* machinery (in particular, it is raised in :meth:`n6sdk.data_spec.BaseDataSpec.clean_param_dict`) when any :exc:`~exceptions.Exception` subclass(es)/instance(s) (possibly, :exc:`FieldValueError`) have been *caught after being raised by data specification fields'* :meth:`~.Field.clean_param_value`. This exception class provides :attr:`default_public_message` (see: :exc:`_ErrorWithPublicMessageMixin`) as a property whose value is a nice, user-readable message that includes, *for each contained exception*: the key, the offending value(s) and the :attr:`public_message` attribute of that *contained exception* (the latter only for instances of :exc:`_ErrorWithPublicMessageMixin` subclasses). >>> err1 = TypeError('foo', 'bar') >>> err2 = FieldValueError('foo', 'bar', public_message='Message.') >>> try: ... raise ParamValueCleaningError([ ... ('k1', 'ł-1', err1), ... ('k2', ['ł-2', 'xyz'], err2), ... ]) ... except ParamCleaningError as exc: ... pass ... >>> exc.public_message == ( ... u'Problem with value(s) ("\\u0142-1") of query parameter "k1". ' + ... u'Problem with value(s) ("\\u0142-2", "xyz")' + ... u' of query parameter "k2" (Message).') True >>> exc.error_info_seq == [ ... ('k1', 'ł-1', err1), ... ('k2', ['ł-2', 'xyz'], err2), ... ] True """ msg_template = (u'Problem with value(s) ({values_repr}) of query ' u'parameter "{key}"{optional_exc_public_message}.') @property
[docs] def default_public_message(self): """The aforementioned property.""" messages = [] for key, values, exc in self.error_info_seq: if isinstance(values, basestring): values = (values,) assert isinstance(values, collections.Sequence) msg = self.msg_template.format( key=ascii_str(key), values_repr=u', '.join( u'"{}"'.format(ascii_str(val)) for val in values), optional_exc_public_message=( u' ({})'.format(exc.public_message.rstrip(u'.')) if isinstance(exc, _ErrorWithPublicMessageMixin) else u'')) messages.append(msg) return u' '.join(messages)
[docs]class ResultCleaningError(DataAPIError): """ The base class for exceptions raised when result data cleaning fails. Instances of its subclasses are raised by the *data specification* machinery. """
[docs]class ResultKeyCleaningError(_KeyCleaningErrorMixin, ResultCleaningError): """ This exception should be raised by the *data specification* machinery (in particular, it is raised in :meth:`n6sdk.data_spec.BaseDataSpec.clean_result_dict`) when some keys in a data-backend-API-produced *result dictionary* are illegal and/or missing. .. note:: :attr:`default_public_message` (see: :exc:`_ErrorWithPublicMessageMixin`) is consciously left as the default and safe ``u'Internal error.'``. """
[docs]class ResultValueCleaningError(_ValueCleaningErrorMixin, ResultCleaningError): """ Raised when result item value(s) cannot be cleaned (are not valid). Especially, this exception should be raised by the *data specification* machinery (in particular, it is raised in :meth:`n6sdk.data_spec.BaseDataSpec.clean_result_dict`) when any :exc:`~exceptions.Exception` subclass(es)/instance(s) have been *caught after being raised by data specification fields'* :meth:`~.Field.clean_result_value`. .. note:: :attr:`default_public_message` (see: :exc:`_ErrorWithPublicMessageMixin`) is consciously left as the default and safe ``u'Internal error.'`` -- so (**unlike** for :exc:`ParamValueCleaningError` and fields' :meth:`~.Field.clean_param_value`) no information from underlying :exc:`FieldValueError` or other exceptions raised in fields' :meth:`~.Field.clean_result_value` is disclosed in the :attr:`default_public_message` value. """