
This tutorial describes how to use the n6sdk library to implement an n6-like REST API that provides access to your own network incident data source.

Setting up the development environment


You need to have:

  • A Linux system + the bash shell used to interact with it + basic Unix-like OS administrator tools such as sed (other platforms and tools could also be used, but this tutorial assumes using the aforementioned ones) + your favorite text editor;
  • Python 2.7 installed;
  • the virtualenv tool installed (see: http://virtualenv.readthedocs.org/en/latest/virtualenv.html; on Debian GNU/Linux it can be installed with the command: sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv);
  • network access;
  • unpacked source distribution of the n6sdk library.

Providing the necessary files

We will start with creating a directory for our example project:

$ mkdir <the main directory of the project>

(Of course, <the main directory of the project> needs to be replaced with the actual name (absolute path) of the directory you want to create.)

Now, we need to populate the directory with necessary files. We can use some of the example files accompanying the n6sdk library:

$ cd <the main N6SDK source directory>/examples/BasicExample
$ cp -a setup.py development.ini production.ini MANIFEST.in \
        <the main directory of the project>/

(Of course, <the main n6sdk source directory> needs to be replaced with the actual name (absolute path) of the directory containing the source code of n6sdk.)

The files should be customized. At the absolute minimum, we need to replace the basic_example text with the actual name of our project’s package. In this tutorial it will be using_n6sdk (you can, of course, pick another name):

$ cd <the main directory of the project>
$ sed -i -r -e 's/basic_example/using_n6sdk/g' \
      setup.py development.ini production.ini MANIFEST.in

(You may also want to customize other details in these files, especially the version field in the setup.py file.)

We also need to create the actual Python package (as it was said, in this tutorial its name will be using_n6sdk):

$ mkdir using_n6sdk
$ touch using_n6sdk/__init__.py

Installing the necessary components

Now, we will create and activate our Python virtual environment:

$ virtualenv dev-venv
$ source dev-venv/bin/activate

Then, we can install the n6sdk library:

$ cd <the main N6SDK source directory>
$ python setup.py install

...as well as our new Python package – for development (please note that for this package the setup command will be develop, not install):

$ cd <the main directory of the project>
$ python setup.py develop

We can check whether everything up to now went well by running the Python interpreter...

$ python

...and trying importing some of the installed components:

>>> import n6sdk
>>> import n6sdk.data_spec.fields
>>> n6sdk.data_spec.fields.Field
<class 'n6sdk.data_spec.fields.Field'>
>>> import using_n6sdk
>>> exit()

Data processing and architecture overview

When a client sends a HTTP request to the n6 REST API, the following data processing is performed on the server side:

  1. Receiving the HTTP request

    n6sdk uses the Pyramid library (see: http://docs.pylonsproject.org/en/latest/docs/pyramid.html) to perform processing related to HTTP communication and request routing (especially, deciding what function shall be invoked with what parameters depending on the given URL), however there are the n6sdk-specific wrappers and helpers used to configure some important factors: n6sdk.pyramid_commons.DefaultStreamViewBase, n6sdk.pyramid_commons.HttpResource and n6sdk.pyramid_commons.ConfigHelper (see below: Gluing it together). These three classes can be customized by subclassing them and extending selected methods, however it is beyond the scope of this tutorial.

  2. Authentication

    Authentication is performed using a mechanism provided by the Pyramid library: authentication policies. The simplest policy is implemented as the n6sdk.pyramid_commons.AnonymousAuthenticationPolicy class (it is a dummy policy: all clients are identified as "anonymous"); it can be replaced with a custom one (see below: Custom authentication policy).

  3. Cleaning query parameters provided by the client

    Here “cleaning” means: validation and adjustment (normalization) of the parameters. An instance of a data specification class (see below: Data specification class) is responsible for doing that.

  4. Retrieving result data from the data backend API

    The data backend API, responsible for interacting with the actual data storage, needs to be implemented as a class (see below: Implementing the data backend API).

    For a client request, an appropriate method of this class is called with authentication data (see above: 2. Optional authentication) and cleaned client query parameters (see above: 3. Cleaning query parameters...) as call arguments. The result of the call is an iterator which yields dictionaries, each containing data of one network incident.

  5. Cleaning the result data

    Each of the yielded dictionaries is cleaned. Here “cleaning” means: validation and adjustment (normalization) of the result data. An instance of a data specification class (see below: Data specification class) is responsible for doing that.

    The result is another iterator.

  6. Rendering the HTTP response

    The yielded cleaned dictionaries are processed to produce consecutive fragments of the HTTP response which are successively sent to the client. The key component responsible for transforming the dictionaries into the response body is a renderer. Note that n6sdk renderers (being a custom n6sdk concept, different from Pyramid renderers) are able to process data in an iterator (“stream-like”) manner, so even if the resultant response body is huge it does not have to fit as a whole in the server’s memory.

    The n6sdk library provides two standard renderers: json (to render JSON-formatted responses) and sjson (to render responses in a format similar to JSON but more convenient for “stream-like” or “pipeline” data processing).

    Implementing and registering custom renderers is possible, however it is beyond the scope of this tutorial.

Data specification class


A data specification determines:

  • how query (search) parameters from a client (specified as the query string part of the URL of a HTTP request) are cleaned before being passed in to the data backend API – that is:
    • what are the legal parameter names;
    • whether particular parameters are required or optional;
    • what are valid values of particular parameters (e.g.: a time.min value must be a valid ISO-8601-formatted date and time);
    • whether, for a particular parameter, there can be many alternative values (comma-separated within a parameter item of the URL’s query string) or only one value (e.g.: time.min can have only one value, and ip can have multiple values);
    • how particular parameter values are normalized (e.g.: a time.min value is always transformed to a Python datetime.datetime object, converting any time zone information to UTC);
  • how result dictionaries (each containing data of one incident) yielded by the data backend API are cleaned before being passed in to a response renderer – that is:
    • what are the legal result keys;
    • whether particular items are required or optional;
    • what are valid types and values of particular items (e.g.: a time value must be either a datetime.datetime object or a string being a valid ISO-8601-formatted date and time);
    • how particular items are normalized (e.g.: a time value is always transformed to a Python datetime.datetime object, converting any time zone information to UTC).

The declarative way of defining a data specification is somewhat similar to domain-specific languages known from ORMs (such as the SQLAlchemy‘s or Django‘s ones): a data specification class (n6sdk.data_spec.DataSpec or some subclass of it) looks like an ORM “model” class and particular query parameter and result item specifications (being instances of n6sdk.data_spec.fields.Field or of subclasses of it) are declared similarly to ORM “fields” or “columns”.

For example, consider the following simplified and shortened version of the n6sdk.data_spec.DataSpec source code:

class DataSpec(BaseDataSpec):

    id = UnicodeLimitedField(

    time = DateTimeField(

            min=DateTimeField(           # `time.min`
            max=DateTimeField(           # `time.max`

    address = AddressField(

    ip = IPv4Field(

            net=IPv4NetField(            # `ip.net`

    asn = ASNField(

    cc = CCField(

    count = IntegerField(
        max_value=(2 ** 15 - 1),

    ### ...other field specifications...

What do we see above:

  1. id is a text field: its values are strings, not longer than 64 characters (as its declaration is an instance of n6sdk.data_spec.fields.UnicodeLimitedField created with the constructor argument max_length set to 64). It is optional as a query parameter and required (obligatory) as an item of a result dictionary.
  2. time is a date-and-time field (as its declaration is an instance of n6sdk.data_spec.fields.DateTimeField). It is not a legal query parameter, and it is required as an item of a result dictionary.
  3. time.min and time.max are date-and-time fields (as their declarations are instances of n6sdk.data_spec.fields.DateTimeField). They are optional as query parameters, and they are not legal items of a result dictionary. Unlike most of other fields, these two fields do not allow to specify multiple query parameter values (note the constructor argument single_param set to True).
  4. address is a field whose values are lists of dictionaries containing ip and optionally asn and cc (as the declaration of address is an instance of n6sdk.data_spec.fields.AddressField). It is not a legal query parameter, and it is optional as an item of a result dictionary.
  5. ip is an IPv4 address field (as its declaration is an instance of n6sdk.data_spec.fields.IPv4Field). It is optional as a query parameter and it is not a legal item of a result dictionary (note that in a result dictionary the address field contains the corresponding data).
  6. ip.net is an IPv4 network definition (as its declaration is an instance of n6sdk.data_spec.fields.IPv4NetField). It is optional as a query parameter and it is not a legal item of a result dictionary.
  7. asn is an autonomous system number (ASN) field (as its declaration is an instance of n6sdk.data_spec.fields.ASNField). It is optional as a query parameter and it is not a legal item of a result dictionary (note that in a result dictionary the address field contains the corresponding data).
  8. cc is 2-letter country code field (as its declaration is an instance of n6sdk.data_spec.fields.CCField). It is optional as a query parameter and it is not a legal item of a result dictionary (note that in a result dictionary the address field contains the corresponding data).
  9. count is an integer field: its values are integer numbers, not less than 0 and not greater than 32767 (as the declaration of count is an instance of n6sdk.data_spec.fields.IntegerField created with the constructor arguments: min_value set to 0 and max_value set to 32767). It is not a legal query parameter, and it is optional as an item of a result dictionary.

You may want to create your own custom data specification by subclassing n6sdk.data_spec.DataSpec to create a custom data specification class – in which you can:

  • add new field specifications as well as modify (extend), replace or remove (mask) field specifications defined by DataSpec;
  • extend the DataSpec‘s cleaning methods.

(See the following sections.)

You may also want to subclass n6sdk.data_spec.fields.Field (or any of its subclasses, such as UnicodeLimitedField, IPv4Field or IntegerField) to create new kinds of fields whose instances can be used as field specifications in your custom data specification class (see below: Custom field classes).

Data specification cleaning methods

The most important methods of any data specification (an instance of n6sdk.data_spec.DataSpec or of its subclass) are:

Typically, these methods are called automatically by the n6sdk machinery.

Each of these methods takes exactly one positional argument which is respectively:

  • for clean_param_dict() – a dictionary of query parameters (representing one client request); the dictionary maps query parameter names to their raw values (taken directly from the URL query string; a raw value can consist of several comma-separated actual values);
  • for clean_result_dict() – a single result dictionary (representing one network incident); the dictionary maps result keys to their values.

Each of these methods also accepts the following optional keyword-only arguments:

  • ignored_keys – an iterable (e.g., a set or a list) of keys that will be completely ignored (i.e., the processed dictionary that has been given as the positional argument will be treated as it did not contain any of these keys; therefore, the resultant dictionary will not contain them either);
  • forbidden_keys – an iterable of keys that must not apperar in the processed dictionary or a validation error (respectively: ParamKeyCleaningError or ResultKeyCleaningError) will be raised;
  • extra_required_keys – an iterable of keys that must appear in the processed dictionary or a validation error (respectively: ParamKeyCleaningError or ResultKeyCleaningError) will be raised;
  • discarded_keys – an iterable of keys that will be removed (discarded) after validation of the processed dictionary keys (and before cleaning of the processed dictionary values).

Each of these methods returns a new dictionary (in other words, the input dictionary given as the positional argument is not modified). Regarding returned dictionaries:

  • a dictionary returned by clean_param_dict() maps field names (query parameter names) to lists of cleaned query parameter values (because, as it was said, for most fields there can be more than one query parameter value);
  • a dictionary returned by clean_result_dict() (containing cleaned data of exactly one network incident) maps field names (result keys) to cleaned result values.

Field cleaning methods

The most important methods of any field (an instance of n6sdk.data_spec.fields.Field or of its subclass) are:

Each of these methods takes exactly one positional argument: a single uncleaned value.

Each of these methods returns a single value: a cleaned one.

These methods are called by the data specification machinery in the following way:

n6sdk.data_spec.DataSpec overview

The n6sdk.data_spec.DataSpec class is a ready-to-use data specification class that performs cleaning of all standard n6-like REST API query parameters and result items.

The following list describes briefly all field specifications defined by the class:

  • id:

    • in params: optional
    • in result: required
    • field class: UnicodeLimitedField
    • specific field constructor arguments: max_length=64
    • param cleaning example:
      • query string item: id=abcDEF,42,x-y-z
      • list of cleaned values: [u"abcDEF", u"42", u"x-y-z"]
    • result cleaning example:
      • raw value: "abcDEF... \xc5\x81"
      • cleaned value: u"abcDEF... \u0141"

    Unique incident identifier being an arbitrary text. Maximum length: 64 characters (after cleaning).

  • source:

    • in params: optional
    • in result: required
    • field class: SourceField
    • param cleaning example:
      • query string item: source=some-org.some-type,foo.bar
      • list of cleaned values: [u"some-org.some-type", u"foo.bar"]
    • result cleaning example:
      • raw value: "some-org.some-type"
      • cleaned value: u"some-org.some-type"

    Incident data source identifier. Consists of two parts separated with a dot (.). Allowed characters (apart from the dot) are: ASCII lower-case letters, digits and hyphen (-). Maximum length: 32 characters (after cleaning).

  • restriction:

    • in params: optional
    • in result: required
    • field class: UnicodeEnumField
    • specific field constructor arguments: enum_values=n6sdk.data_spec.RESTRICTION_ENUMS
    • param cleaning example:
      • query string item: restriction=public
      • list of cleaned values: [u"public"]
    • result cleaning example:
      • raw value: "public"
      • cleaned value: u"public"

    Data distribution restriction qualifier. One of: "public", "need-to-know" or "internal".

  • confidence:

    • in params: optional
    • in result: required
    • field class: UnicodeEnumField
    • specific field constructor arguments: enum_values=n6sdk.data_spec.CONFIDENCE_ENUMS
    • param cleaning example:
      • query string item: confidence=medium,low
      • list of cleaned values: [u"medium", u"low"]
    • result cleaning example:
      • raw value: u"medium"
      • cleaned value: u"medium"

    Data confidence qualifier. One of: "high", "medium" or "low".

  • category:

    • in params: optional
    • in result: required
    • field class: UnicodeEnumField
    • specific field constructor arguments: enum_values=n6sdk.data_spec.CATEGORY_ENUMS
    • param cleaning example:
      • query string item: category=bots,cnc
      • list of cleaned values: [u"bots", u"cnc"]
    • result cleaning example:
      • raw value: "bots"
      • cleaned value: u"bots"

    Incident category label (some examples: "bots", "phish", "scanning"...).

  • time

    • in params: N/A
    • in result: required
    • field class: DateTimeField
    • result cleaning examples:
      • example synonymous raw values:
        • "2014-11-05T23:13:00.000000" or
        • "2014-11-06 01:13+02:00" or
        • datetime.datetime(2014, 11, 5, 23, 13, 0) or
        • datetime.datetime(2014, 11, 6, 1, 13, 0, 0, <tzinfo with UTC offset 2h>)
      • cleaned value: datetime.datetime(2014, 11, 5, 23, 13, 0)

    Incident occurrence time (not when-entered-into-the-database). Value cleaning includes conversion to UTC time.

  • time.min:

    • in params: optional, single
    • in result: N/A
    • field class: DateTimeField
    • param cleaning examples:
      • example synonymous query string items:
        • time.min=2014-11-06T01:13+02:00 or
        • time.min=2014-11-05 23:13:00.000000
      • list of cleaned values: [datetime.datetime(2014, 11, 5, 23, 13, 0)]

    The earliest time the queried incidents occurred at. Value cleaning includes conversion to UTC time.

  • time.max:

    • in params: optional, single
    • in result: N/A
    • field class: DateTimeField
    • param cleaning examples:
      • example synonymous query string items:
        • time.max=2014-11-06T01:13+02:00 or
        • time.max=2014-11-05 23:13:00.000000
      • list of cleaned values: [datetime.datetime(2014, 11, 5, 23, 13, 0)]

    The latest time the queried incidents occurred at. Value cleaning includes conversion to UTC time.

  • origin:

    • in params: optional
    • in result: optional
    • field class: UnicodeEnumField
    • specific field constructor arguments: enum_values=n6sdk.data_spec.ORIGIN_ENUMS
    • param cleaning example:
      • query string item: origin=honeypot
      • list of cleaned values: [u"honeypot"]
    • result cleaning example:
      • raw value: u"honeypot"
      • cleaned value: u"honeypot"

    Incident origin label (some examples: "p2p-crawler", "sinkhole", "honeypot"...).

  • name:

    • in params: optional
    • in result: optional
    • field class: UnicodeLimitedField
    • specific field constructor arguments: max_length=255
    • param cleaning example:
      • query string item: name=LoremIpsuM
      • list of cleaned values: [u"LoremIpsuM"]
    • result cleaning example:
      • raw value: "LoremIpsuM"
      • cleaned value: u"LoremIpsuM"

    Threat’s exact name, such as "virut", "Potential SSH Scan" or any other... Maximum length: 255 characters (after cleaning).

  • target:

    • in params: optional
    • in result: optional
    • field class: UnicodeLimitedField
    • specific field constructor arguments: max_length=100
    • param cleaning example:
      • query string item: target=LoremIpsuM
      • list of cleaned values: [u"LoremIpsuM"]
    • result cleaning example:
      • raw value: "LoremIpsuM"
      • cleaned value: u"LoremIpsuM"

    Name of phishing target (organization, brand etc.). Maximum length: 100 characters (after cleaning).

  • address

    • in params: N/A
    • in result: optional
    • field class: AddressField
    • result cleaning examples:
      • example synonymous raw values:
        • [{"ip": ""}, {"ip": "", "asn": 999998}] or
        • [{u"ip": ""}, {"ip": "", u"asn": "999998"}] or
        • [{"ip": ""}, {u"ip": "", u"asn": "15.16958"}]
      • cleaned value: [{u"ip": u""}, {u"ip": "", u"asn": 999998}]

    Set of network addresses related to the returned incident (e.g., for malicious web sites: taken from DNS A records; for sinkhole/scanning: communication source addresses) – in the form of a list of dictionaries, each containing "ip" (IPv4 address in quad-dotted decimal notation, cleaned using a subfield being an instance of IPv4Field), and optionally: "asn" (autonomous system number in the form of a number or two numbers separated with a dot, cleaned using a subfield being an instance of ASNField) and/or "cc" (two-letter country code, cleaned using a subfield being an instance of CCField).

  • ip:

    • in params: optional
    • in result: N/A
    • field class: IPv4Field
    • param cleaning example:
      • query string item: ip=,
      • list of cleaned values: [u"", u""]

    IPv4 address (in quad-dotted decimal notation) related to the queried incidents.

  • ip.net:

    • in params: optional
    • in result: N/A
    • field class: IPv4NetField
    • param cleaning example:
      • query string item: ip.net=,
      • list of cleaned values: [(u"", 24), (u"", 16)]

    IPv4 network (in CIDR notation) containing IP addresses related to the queried incidents.

  • asn:

    • in params: optional
    • in result: N/A
    • field class: ASNField
    • param cleaning example:
      • query string item: asn=123,999999,15.16958
      • list of cleaned values: [123, 999999, 999998]

    Autonomous system number of IP addresses related to the queried incidents; in the form of a number or two numbers separated with a dot (see the examples above).

  • cc:

    • in params: optional
    • in result: N/A
    • field class: CCField
    • param cleaning example:
      • query string item: cc=JP,UA,PL,US
      • list of cleaned values: [u"JP", u"UA", u"PL", u"US"]

    Two-letter country code related to IP addresses related to the queried incidents.

  • url:

    • in params: optional
    • in result: optional
    • field class: URLField
    • param cleaning example:
      • query string item: url=ftp://example.com/foo,http://x/XYZ
      • list of cleaned values: [u"ftp://example.com/foo", u"http://x/XYZ"]
    • result cleaning examples:
      • example synonymous raw values:
        • "ftp://example.com/non-utf8-\xdd" or
        • u"ftp://example.com/non-utf8-\udcdd" or
        • "ftp://example.com/non-utf8-\xed\xb3\x9d"
      • cleaned value: u"ftp://example.com/non-utf8-\udcdd"

    URL related to the queried/returned incidents. Maximum length: 2048 characters (after cleaning).


    Cleaning involves decoding byte strings using the surrogateescape error handler backported from Python 3.x (see: n6sdk.encoding_helpers.provide_surrogateescape()).

  • url.sub:

    • in params: optional
    • in result: N/A
    • field class: URLSubstringField
    • param cleaning example:
      • query string item: url.sub=/example.c,XY
      • list of cleaned values: [u"/example.c", u"XY"]

    Substring of URLs related to the queried incidents. Maximum length: 2048 characters (after cleaning).

    See also

    The above url description.

  • fqdn:

    • in params: optional
    • in result: optional
    • field class: DomainNameField
    • param cleaning example:
      • query string item: fqdn=example.com,wwW.ŁÓDKa.Example.ORG
      • list of cleaned values: [u"example.com", u"www.xn--dka-fna80b.example.org"]
    • result cleaning examples:
      • example synonymous raw values:
        • u"WWW.ŁÓDKA.ORG.EXAMPLE" or
        • "WWW.\xc5\x81\xc3\x93DKA.ORG.EXAMPLE" or
        • u"wwW.łódka.org.Example" or
        • "www.\xc5\x82\xc3\xb3dka.org.Example" or
        • u"www.xn--dka-fna80b.org.example" or
        • "www.xn--dka-fna80b.example.org"
      • cleaned value: u"www.xn--dka-fna80b.example.org"

    Fully qualified domain name related to the queried/returned incidents (e.g., for malicious web sites: from the site’s URL; for sinkhole/scanning: the domain used for communication). Maximum length: 255 characters (after cleaning).


    During cleaning, the IDNA encoding is applied (see: https://docs.python.org/2.7/library/codecs.html#module-encodings.idna and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internationalized_domain_name; see also the above examples), then all remaining upper-case letters are converted to lower-case.

  • fqdn.sub:

    • in params: optional
    • in result: N/A
    • field class: DomainNameSubstringField
    • param cleaning example:
      • query string item: fqdn.sub=mple.c,ORG
      • list of cleaned values: [u"mple.c", u"org"]

    Substring of fully qualified domain names related to the queried incidents. Maximum length: 255 characters (after cleaning).

    See also

    The above fqdn description.

  • proto:

    • in params: optional
    • in result: optional
    • field class: UnicodeEnumField
    • specific field constructor arguments: enum_values=n6sdk.data_spec.PROTO_ENUMS
    • param cleaning example:
      • query string item: proto=tcp,udp
      • list of cleaned values: [u"tcp", u"udp"]
    • result cleaning example:
      • raw value: "tcp"
      • cleaned value: u"tcp"

    Layer #4 protocol label – one of: "tcp", "udp", "icmp".

  • sport:

    • in params: optional
    • in result: optional
    • field class: PortField
    • param cleaning example:
      • query string item: sport=80,12345
      • list of cleaned values: [80, 12345]
    • result cleaning examples:
      • example synonymous raw values: 80 or 80.0 or "80"
      • cleaned value: 80

    TCP/UDP source port (non-negative integer number, less than 65536).

  • dport:

    • in params: optional
    • in result: optional
    • field class: PortField
    • param cleaning example:
      • query string item: dport=80,12345
      • list of cleaned values: [80, 12345]
    • result cleaning example:
      • example synonymous raw values: 80 or 80.0 or "80"
      • cleaned value: 80

    TCP/UDP destination port (non-negative integer number, less than 65536).

  • dip:

    • in params: optional
    • in result: optional
    • field class: IPv4Field
    • param cleaning example:
      • query string item: dip=,
      • list of cleaned values: [u"", u""]
    • result cleaning example:
      • raw value: ""
      • cleaned value: u""

    Destination IPv4 address (for sinkhole, honeypot etc.; does not apply to malicious web sites) in quad-dotted decimal notation.

  • adip:

    • in params: N/A
    • in result: optional
    • field class: AnonymizedIPv4Field
    • result cleaning example:
      • raw value: "x.X.234.168"
      • cleaned value: u"x.x.234.168"

    Anonymized destination IPv4 address: in quad-dotted decimal notation, with one or more segments replaced with "x", for example: "x.168.0.1" or "x.x.x.1" (note: at least the leftmost segment must be replaced with "x").

  • md5:

    • in params: optional
    • in result: optional
    • field class: MD5Field
    • param cleaning example:
      • query string item: md5=b555773768bc1a672947d7f41f9c247f
      • list of cleaned values: [u"b555773768bc1a672947d7f41f9c247f"]
    • result cleaning example:
      • raw value: "b555773768bc1a672947d7f41f9c247f"
      • cleaned value: u"b555773768bc1a672947d7f41f9c247f"

    MD5 hash of the binary file related to the (queried/returned) incident. In the form of a string of 32 hexadecimal digits.

  • sha1:

    • in params: optional
    • in result: optional
    • field class: SHA1Field
    • param cleaning example:
      • query string item: sha1=7362d67c4f32ba5cd9096dcefc81b28ca04465b1
      • list of cleaned values: [u"7362d67c4f32ba5cd9096dcefc81b28ca04465b1"]
    • result cleaning example:
      • raw value: u"7362d67c4f32ba5cd9096dcefc81b28ca04465b1"
      • cleaned value: u"7362d67c4f32ba5cd9096dcefc81b28ca04465b1"

    SHA1 hash of the binary file related to the (queried/returned) incident. In the form of a string of 40 hexadecimal digits.

  • expires:

    • in params: N/A
    • in result: optional
    • field class: DateTimeField
    • result cleaning examples:
      • example synonymous raw values:
        • "2014-11-05T23:13:00.000000" or
        • "2014-11-06 01:13+02:00" or
        • datetime.datetime(2014, 11, 5, 23, 13, 0) or
        • datetime.datetime(2014, 11, 6, 1, 13, 0, 0, <tzinfo with UTC offset 2h>)
      • cleaned value: datetime.datetime(2014, 11, 5, 23, 13, 0)

    Black list item expiry time. Value cleaning includes conversion to UTC time.

  • active.min:

    • in params: optional, single
    • in result: N/A
    • field class: DateTimeField
    • param cleaning examples:
      • example synonymous query string items:
        • active.min=2014-11-05T23:13:00.000000 or
        • active.min=2014-11-06 01:13+02:00
      • list of cleaned values: [datetime.datetime(2014, 11, 5, 23, 13, 0)]

    The earliest expiry-or-occurrence time of the queried black list items. Value cleaning includes conversion to UTC time.

  • active.max:

    • in params: optional, single
    • in result: N/A
    • field class: DateTimeField
    • param cleaning examples:
      • example synonymous query string items:
        • active.max=2014-11-05T23:13:00.000000 or
        • active.max=2014-11-06 01:13+02:00
      • list of cleaned values: [datetime.datetime(2014, 11, 5, 23, 13, 0)]

    The latest expiry-or-occurrence time of the queried black list items. Value cleaning includes conversion to UTC time.

  • status:

    • in params: optional
    • in result: optional
    • field class: UnicodeEnumField
    • specific field constructor arguments: enum_values=n6sdk.data_spec.STATUS_ENUMS
    • param cleaning example:
      • query string item: status=active,replaced
      • list of cleaned values: [u"active", u"replaced"]
    • result cleaning example:
      • raw value: "active"
      • cleaned value: u"active"

    Black list item status qualifier. One of: "active" (item currently in the list), "delisted" (item removed from the list), "expired" (item expired, so treated as removed by the n6 system) or "replaced" (e.g.: IP address changed for the same URL).

  • replaces:

    • in params: optional
    • in result: optional
    • field class: UnicodeLimitedField
    • specific field constructor arguments: max_length=64
    • param cleaning example:
      • query string item: replaces=abcDEF
      • list of cleaned values: [u"abcDEF"]
    • result cleaning example:
      • raw value: "abcDEF"
      • cleaned value: u"abcDEF"

    id of the black list item replaced by the queried/returned one.

  • until:

    • in params: N/A
    • in result: optional
    • field class: DateTimeField
    • result cleaning examples:
      • example synonymous raw values:
        • "2014-11-05T23:13:00.000000" or
        • "2014-11-06 01:13+02:00" or
        • datetime.datetime(2014, 11, 5, 23, 13, 0) or
        • datetime.datetime(2014, 11, 6, 1, 13, 0, 0, <tzinfo with UTC offset 2h>)
      • cleaned value: datetime.datetime(2014, 11, 5, 23, 13, 0)

    For aggregated events: the occurrence time of the latest [newest] aggregated event represented by the returned incident data record (note: time is the occurrence time of the first [oldest] aggregated event). Value cleaning includes conversion to UTC time.

  • count:

    • in params: N/A
    • in result: optional
    • field class: IntegerField
    • specific field constructor arguments: min_value=0, max_value=32767
    • result cleaning examples:
      • example synonymous raw values: 42 or 42.0 or "42"
      • cleaned value: 42

    For aggregated events: number of events represented by the returned incident data record. It must be a positive integer number not greater than 32767.


Generally, byte strings (if any), when converted to Unicode strings, are by default decoded using the utf-8 encoding.

Subclassing n6sdk.data_spec.DataSpec

You can create your own data specification class by subclassing n6sdk.data_spec.DataSpec.

Let us prepare a separate module for our custom data specification:

$ cd <the main directory of the project>/using_n6sdk
$ touch data_spec.py

Then, we can open the newly created file (data_spec.py) with our favorite text editor and place the following code in it:

from n6sdk.data_spec import DataSpec
from n6sdk.data_spec.fields import UnicodeRegexField

class CustomDataSpec(DataSpec):

    mac_address = UnicodeRegexField(
        in_params='optional',  # *can* be in query params
        in_result='optional',  # *can* be in result data

        error_msg_template=u'"{}" is not a valid MAC address',

We just made a new data specification class – very similar to DataSpec but with one additional field specification: mac_address.

We could also modify (extend) within our subclass some of the field specifications inherited from DataSpec. For example:

from n6sdk.data_spec import (

class CustomDataSpec(DataSpec):
    # ...

    id = Ext(
        # here: changing the `max_length` property
        # of the `id` field -- from 64 to 32
    time = Ext(
        # here: enabling bare `time` also for queries
        # (by default `time.min` and `time.max` query
        # params are allowed but bare `time` is not)

        # here: making `time.max` a required (obligatory,
        # not optional) query parameter

Please note how n6sdk.data_spec.Ext is used above to extend existing (inherited) field specifications.

It is also possible to replace existing (inherited) field specifications with completely new definitions...

# ...
from n6sdk.data_spec.fields import MD5Field
# ...

class CustomDataSpec(DataSpec):
    # ...
    id = MD5Field(
    # ...

...as well as to remove (mask) them:

# ...
class CustomDataSpec(DataSpec):
    # ...
    count = None

You can also extend the clean_param_dict() and clean_result_dict() methods:

# ...

def _is_april_fools_day():
    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    return now.month == 4 and now.day == 1

class CustomDataSpec(DataSpec):

    def clean_param_dict(self, params, ignored_keys=(), **kwargs):
        if _is_april_fools_day():
            ignored_keys = set(ignored_keys) | {'joke'}
        return super(CustomDataSpec, self).clean_param_dict(

    def clean_result_dict(self, result, **kwargs):
        if _is_april_fools_day():
            result['time'] = '1810-03-01T13:13'
        return super(CustomDataSpec, self).clean_result_dict(


Manipulating the optional keyword-only arguments (ignored_keys, forbidden_keys, extra_required_keys, discarded_keys – see above: Data specification cleaning methods) of these methods can be useful, for example, when you need to implement some authentication-driven data anonymization or param/result-key-focused access rules (however, in such a case you may also need to add some additional keyword-only arguments to the signatures of these methods, e.g. auth_data; then you will also need to extend the get_clean_param_dict_kwargs() and/or get_clean_result_dict_kwargs() methods of your custom subclass of DefaultStreamViewBase; generally that matter is beyond the scope of this tutorial).

Standard n6sdk field classes

The following list briefly describes all field classes defined in the n6sdk.data_spec.fields module:

  • Field:

    The top-level base class for field specifications.

  • DateTimeField:

    For date-and-time (timestamp) values, automatically normalized to UTC.

  • UnicodeField:

    • base classes: Field
    • most useful constructor arguments or subclass attributes:
      • encoding (default: "utf-8")
      • decode_error_handling (default: "strict")
    • raw (uncleaned) result value type: str or unicode
    • cleaned value type: unicode
    • example cleaned value: u"Some text value. Zażółć gęślą jaźń."

    For arbitrary text data.

  • HexDigestField:

    • base classes: UnicodeField
    • obligatory constructor arguments or subclass attributes:
      • num_of_characters (exact number of characters)
      • hash_algo_descr (hash algorithm label, such as "MD5" or "SHA256"...)
    • raw (uncleaned) result value type: str or unicode
    • cleaned value type: unicode

    For hexadecimal digests (hashes), such as MD5, SHA256 or any other...

  • MD5Field:

    • base classes: HexDigestField
    • raw (uncleaned) result value type: str or unicode
    • cleaned value type: unicode
    • example cleaned value: u"b555773768bc1a672947d7f41f9c247f"

    For hexadecimal MD5 digests (hashes).

  • SHA1Field:

    • base classes: HexDigestField
    • raw (uncleaned) result value type: str or unicode
    • cleaned value type: unicode
    • example cleaned value: u"7362d67c4f32ba5cd9096dcefc81b28ca04465b1"

    For hexadecimal SHA1 digests (hashes).

  • UnicodeEnumField:

    • base classes: UnicodeField
    • obligatory constructor arguments or subclass attributes:
      • enum_values (a sequence or set of strings)
    • raw (uncleaned) result value type: str or unicode
    • cleaned value type: unicode
    • example cleaned value: u"Some selected text value"

    For text data limited to a finite set of possible values.

  • UnicodeLimitedField:

    • base classes: UnicodeField
    • obligatory constructor arguments or subclass attributes:
      • max_length (maximum number of characters)
    • raw (uncleaned) result value type: str or unicode
    • cleaned value type: unicode
    • example cleaned value: u"Some not-too-long text value"

    For text data with limited length.

  • UnicodeRegexField:

    • base classes: UnicodeField
    • obligatory constructor arguments or subclass attributes:
      • regex (regular expression – as a string or compiled regular expression object)
    • raw (uncleaned) result value type: str or unicode
    • cleaned value type: unicode
    • example cleaned value: u"Some matching text value"

    For text data limited by the specified regular expression.

  • SourceField:

    For dot-separated source specifications, such as organization.type.

  • IPv4Field:

    For IPv4 addresses (in decimal dotted-quad notation).

  • AnonymizedIPv4Field:

    For anonymized IPv4 addresses (in decimal dotted-quad notation, with the leftmost octet – and possibly any other octets – replaced with "x").

  • IPv4NetField:

    • base classes: UnicodeLimitedField, UnicodeRegexField
    • raw (uncleaned) result value type: str/unicode or 2-tuple: (<str/unicode>, <int>)
    • cleaned value types:
      • of cleaned param values: 2-tuple: (<unicode>, <int>)
      • of cleaned result values: unicode
    • example cleaned values:
      • cleaned param value: (u"", 16)
      • cleaned result value: u""

    For IPv4 network specifications (in CIDR notation).

  • CCField:

    For 2-letter country codes.

  • URLSubstringField:

    • base classes: UnicodeLimitedField
    • most useful constructor arguments or subclass attributes:
      • decode_error_handling (default: 'surrogateescape')
    • raw (uncleaned) result value type: str or unicode
    • cleaned value type: unicode
    • example cleaned value: u"/xyz.example.c"

    For substrings of URLs.

  • URLField:

    • base classes: URLSubstringField
    • most useful constructor arguments or subclass attributes:
      • decode_error_handling (default: 'surrogateescape')
    • raw (uncleaned) result value type: str or unicode
    • cleaned value type: unicode
    • example cleaned value: u"http://xyz.example.com/path?query=foo#bar"

    For URLs.

  • DomainNameSubstringField:

    • base classes: UnicodeLimitedField
    • raw (uncleaned) result value type: str or unicode
    • cleaned value type: unicode
    • example cleaned value: u"xample.or"

    For substrings of domain names, automatically IDNA-encoded and lower-cased.

  • DomainNameField:

    For domain names, automatically IDNA-encoded and lower-cased.

  • IntegerField:

    • base classes: Field
    • most useful constructor arguments or subclass attributes:
      • min_value (optional minimum value)
      • max_value (optional maximum value)
    • raw (uncleaned) result value type: str/unicode or an integer number of any numeric type
    • cleaned value type: int or (for bigger numbers) long
    • example cleaned value: 42

    For integer numbers (optionally with minimum/maximum limits defined).

  • ASNField:

    • base classes: IntegerField
    • raw (uncleaned) result value type: str/unicode or int/long
    • cleaned value type: int or (possibly, for bigger numbers) long
    • example cleaned value: 123456789

    For autonomous system numbers, such as 12345, 123456789 or 12345.65432.

  • PortField:

    • base classes: IntegerField
    • raw (uncleaned) result value type: str/unicode or an integer number of any numeric type
    • cleaned value type: int
    • example cleaned value: 12345

    For TCP/UDP port numbers.

  • ResultListFieldMixin:

    • base classes: Field
    • most useful constructor arguments or subclass attributes:
      • allow_empty (default: False which means that an empty sequence causes a cleaning error)

    A mix-in class for fields whose result values are supposed to be a sequence of values and not single values. Its clean_result_value() checks that its argument is a non-string sequence (list or tuple, or any other collections.Sequence not being str or unicode) and performs result cleaning (as defined in a superclass) for each item of it. See: the AddressField description below.

  • DictResultField:

    • base classes: Field
    • obligatory constructor arguments or subclass attributes:
      • key_to_subfield_factory (a dictionary that maps subfield names to field classes or field factory functions)
    • other useful constructor arguments or subclass attributes:
      • required_keys (a set of keys that must appear in a dictionary being a cleaned value or a cleaning error is raised; default: empty frozenset)
    • raw (uncleaned) result value type: collections.Mapping
    • cleaned value type: dict

    A base class for fields whose result values are supposed to be dictionaries (whose fixed structure is defined by the key_to_subfield_factory and required_keys properties, described above).


    This is a result-only field class, i.e. its clean_param_value() raises NotImplementedError.


Generally –

  • constructor arguments, when specified, must be provided as keyword arguments;
  • “constructor argument or a subclass attribute” means that a certain field property can be specified in two alternative ways: either when instantiating the field (as a keyword argument for the constructor) or when subclassing the field (as an attribute of a subclass; see below: Custom field classes);
  • raw (uncleaned) parameter value type is always str/unicode;
  • all these classes are cooperative-inheritance-friendly (i.e., super() in subclasses’ clean_param_value() and clean_result_value() will work properly, also for multiple inheritance).

See also

The n6sdk.data_spec.DataSpec overview section above.

Custom field classes

You may want to subclass any of the n6sdk field classes (described above in the Standard n6sdk field classes section):

Please, consider the example from one of the previous sections:

from n6sdk.data_spec import DataSpec

class CustomDataSpec(DataSpec):

    mac_address = UnicodeRegexField(
        in_params='optional',  # *can* be in query params
        in_result='optional',  # *can* be in result data

        error_msg_template=u'"{}" is not a valid MAC address',

It can be rewritten in a more self-documenting and code-reusability-friendly way:

from n6sdk.data_spec import DataSpec
from n6sdk.data_spec.fields import UnicodeRegexField

class MacAddressField(UnicodeRegexField):

    regex = r'^(?:[0-9A-F]{2}(?:[:-]|$)){6}$'
    error_msg_template = u'"{}" is not a valid MAC address'

class CustomDataSpec(DataSpec):

    mac_address = MacAddressField(
        in_params='optional',  # *can* be in query params
        in_result='optional',  # *can* be in result data

Let us save the above code replacing the contents of the data_spec.py file we created earlier (see: Subclassing n6sdk.data_spec.DataSpec).

Another technique – extending the value cleaning methods (see above: Field cleaning methods) – offers more possibilities. Let us try to create an integer number field that accepts parameter values with such suffixes as "m" (meters), "kg" (kilograms) and "s" (seconds), ignoring the suffixes:

from n6sdk.data_spec.fields import IntegerField

class SuffixedIntegerField(IntegerField):

    # the `legal_suffixes` class attribute we create here
    # can be overridden with a `legal_suffixes` constructor
    # argument or a `legal_suffixes` subclass attribute
    legal_suffixes = 'm', 'kg', 's'

    def clean_param_value(self, value):
        >>> SuffixedIntegerField().clean_param_value('123 kg')
        value = value.strip()
        for suffix in self.legal_suffixes:
            if value.endswith(suffix):
                value = value[:(-len(suffix))]
        value = super(SuffixedIntegerField,
        return value

If – in your implementation of clean_param_value() or clean_result_value() – you need to raise a cleaning error (to signal that a value is invalid and cannot be cleaned) just raise any exception being an instance/subclass of standard Python Exception; it can (but does not have to) be n6sdk.exceptions.FieldValueError.

When subclassing n6sdk field classes, please do not be afraid to look into the source code of the n6sdk.data_spec.fields module.

Implementing the data backend API

The interface

The network incident data can be stored in various ways: using text files, in an SQL database, using some distributed storage such as Hadoop etc. Implementation of obtaining data from any of such backends is beyond the scope of this document. What we do concern here is the API the n6sdk‘s machinery needs to use to get the data.

Therefore, for the purposes of this tutorial, we will assume that our network incident data is stored in the simplest possible way: in one file in the JSON format. You will have to replace any implementation details related to this particular way of keeping and querying for data with an implementation appropriate for the data store you use (file reads, SQL queries or whatever is needed for the particular storage backend) – see the next section: Guidelines for the real implementation.

First, we will create the example JSON data file:

$ cat << EOF > /tmp/our-data.json
         "id": "1",
         "address": [
             "ip": ""
             "asn": 12345,
             "cc": "US",
             "ip": ""
         "category": "phish",
         "confidence": "low",
         "mac_address": "00:11:22:33:44:55",
         "restriction": "public",
         "source": "test.first",
         "time": "2014-04-01 10:00:00",
         "url": "http://example.com/?spam=ham"
         "id": "2",
         "adip": "x.2.3.4",
         "category": "server-exploit",
         "confidence": "medium",
         "restriction": "need-to-know",
         "source": "test.first",
         "time": "2014-04-01 23:59:59"
         "id": "3",
         "address": [
             "ip": ""
             "asn": 87654321,
             "cc": "PL",
             "ip": ""
         "category": "server-exploit",
         "confidence": "high",
         "restriction": "public",
         "source": "test.second",
         "time": "2014-04-01 23:59:59",
         "url": "http://example.com/?spam=ham"

Then, we need to create the Python module for our data backend API class:

$ cd <the main directory of the project>/using_n6sdk
$ touch data_backend_api.py

Now we can open the newly created file (data_backend_api.py) with our favorite text editor and place the following code in it:

import json

from n6sdk.class_helpers import singleton
from n6sdk.exceptions import AuthorizationError

class DataBackendAPI(object):

    def __init__(self, settings):
        # (for our example JSON-file-based storage...)
        with open(settings['json_data_file_path']) as f:
            self.data = json.load(f)

    # one or more data query methods (they can have any names):

    def generate_incidents(self, auth_data, params):
        # (this is a naive implementation; in a real one some
        # efficient database query needs to be performed here...)
        for incident in self.data:
            for key, value_list in params.items():
                if key in ('ip', 'asn', 'cc'):
                    address_seq = incident.get('address', [])
                    if not any(addr.get(key) in value_list
                               for addr in address_seq):
                        break   # incident does not match the query params
                # WARNING: *.min/*.max/*.sub/ip.net queries are
                # not supported by this simplified implementation
                elif incident.get(key) not in value_list:
                    break       # incident does not match the query params
                yield incident  # incident matches the query params

What is important:

  1. The constructor of the class is supposed to be called exactly once per application run. The constructor must take exactly one argument:

    • settings – a dictionary containing settings from the *.ini file (e.g., development.ini or production.ini).
  2. The class can have one or more data query methods, with arbitrary names (in the above example there is only one: generate_incidents(); to learn how URLs are mapped to particular data query method names – see below: Gluing it together).

    Each data query method must take two positional arguments:

    • auth_data – authentication data, relevant only if you need to implement in your data query methods some kind of authorization based on the authentication data; its type and format depends on the authentication policy you use (see below: Custom authentication policy);
    • params – a dictionary containing cleaned (validated and normalized with clean_param_dict()) client query parameters; the dictionary maps parameter names (strings) to lists of parameter values (see above: Data specification class).
  3. Each data query method must be a generator (see: https://docs.python.org/2/glossary.html#term-generator) or any other callable provided that it returns an iterator (see: https://docs.python.org/2/glossary.html#term-iterator). Each of the generated items should be a dictionary containing the data of one network incident (the n6sdk machinery will use it as the argument for the clean_result_dict() data specification method).

Guidelines for the real implementation

Typically, the following activities are performed in the __init__() method of the data backend API class:

  1. Get the storage backend settings from the settings dictionary (apropriate items should have been placed in the [app:main] section of the *.ini file – see below: Gluing it together).
  2. Configure the storage backend (e.g., create the database connection).

Typically, the following activities are performed in a data query method of the data backend API class:

  1. If needed: do any authorization checks based on the auth_data and params arguments; raise n6sdk.exceptions.AuthorizationError on failure.

  2. Translate the contents of the params argument to some storage-specific queries. (Obviously, when doing the translation you may need, for example, to map params keys to some storage-specific keys...).


    If the data specification includes dotted “extra params” (such as time.min, time.max, fqdn.sub, ip.net etc.) their semantics should be implemented carefully.

  3. If needed: perform a necessary storage-specific maintenance activity (e.g., re-new a database connection if necessary).

  4. Perform a storage-specific query (or queries).

    Sometimes you may want to limit the number of allowed results – then, if the limit is exceeded you raise n6sdk.exceptions.TooMuchDataError.

  5. Translate the results of the storage-specific query (queries) to result dictionaries and yield each of these dictionaries (each of them should be a dictionary ready to be passed to the clean_result_dict() method defined in your data specification class).

    (Obviously, when doing the translation you may need, for example, to map some storage-specific keys to the result keys accepted by the clean_result_dict() method of your data specificaton class...)

    If there are no results – just do not yield any items (the caller will obtain an empty iterator).

  6. In case of any internal error, raise n6sdk.exceptions.DataAPIError. If it is caused by another exception (that you have caught) it may be good idea to instantiate DataAPIError with the result of traceback.format_exc() call as an argument (for debugging purposes).

It is recommended to decorate your data backend API class with the n6sdk.class_helpers.singleton() decorator (as shown in the example in the The interface section).

Custom authentication policy

A description of the concept of Pyramid authentication policies is beyond the scope of this tutorial. Please read the appropriate paragraph and example from the documentation of the Pyramid library: http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid/en/latest/narr/security.html#creating-your-own-authentication-policy (you may also want to search the Pyramid documentation for the term authentication policy).

The n6sdk library requires that the authentication policy class has the additional static (decorated with staticmethod()) method get_auth_data() that takes exactly one positional argument: a Pyramid request object. The method is expected to return a value that is not None in case of authentication success, and None otherwise. Apart from this simple rule there are no constraints what exactly the return value should be – the implementer decides about that. The return value will be available as the auth_data attribute of the Pyramid request as well as is passed into data backend API methods as the auth_data argument.

Typically, the authenticated_userid() method implementation makes use of the auth_data request attribute (being return value of get_auth_data()), and the get_auth_data() implementation makes some use of the unauthenticated_userid request attribute (being return value of the unauthenticated_userid() policy method). It is possible because get_auth_data() is called (by the Pyramid machinery) after the unauthenticated_userid() method and before the authenticated_userid() method.

The n6sdk library provides n6sdk.pyramid_commons.BaseAuthenticationPolicy – an authentication policy base class that makes it easier to implement your own authentication policies. Please consult its source code.

Gluing it together

We will open the __init__.py file of our application (<the main directory of the project>/using_n6sdk/__init__.py) with our favorite text editor and place the following code in it:

from n6sdk.pyramid_commons import (

from using_n6sdk.data_backend_api import DataBackendAPI
from using_n6sdk.data_spec import CustomDataSpec

custom_data_spec = CustomDataSpec()

        renderers=('json', 'sjson'),

        # an *instance* of our data specification class

        # the *name* of a DataBackendAPI's data query method

def main(global_config, **settings):
    helper = ConfigHelper(
        # a dict of settings from the *.ini file

        # a data backend API *class*

        # an *instance* of an authentication policy class

        # the list of HTTP resources defined above
    return helper.make_wsgi_app()

You may also need to customize the settings in the <the main directory of the project>/*.ini files (development.ini and production.ini), to match your environment, database configuration (if any) etc.

In case of our naive JSON-file-based data backend implementation (see above: The interface) we need to add the following line in the [app:main] section of each of these two files:

json_data_file_path = /tmp/our-data.json

Finally, let us run the application (still in the development environment):

$ cd <the main directory of the project>
$ source dev-venv/bin/activate   # ensuring the virtualenv is active
$ pserve development.ini

Our application should be being served now. Try visiting the following URLs (with any web browser or, for example, with the wget command-line tool):


...as well as those causing (expected) errors:


Installation for production (using Apache server)

Prerequisites are similar to those concerning the development environment, listed near the beginning of this tutorial (Setting up the development environment). The Debian GNU/Linux operating system in the version 7.7 or newer is recommended to follow the guides presented below. Additional prerequisite is that the Apache2 HTTP server is installed and configured together with mod_wsgi (the apache2 and libapache2-mod-wsgi Debian packages).

First, we will create a directory structure and a virtualenv for our server, e.g. under /opt:

$ sudo mkdir /opt/myn6-srv
$ cd /opt/myn6-srv
$ sudo virtualenv prod-venv
$ sudo chown -R $(echo $USER) prod-venv
$ source prod-venv/bin/activate

Then, let us install the necessary packages:

$ cd <the main N6SDK source directory>
$ python setup.py install
$ cd <the main directory of the project>
$ python setup.py install

(Of course, <the main n6sdk source directory> needs to be replaced with the actual name (absolute path) of the directory containing the source code of the n6sdk library; and <the main directory of the project> needs to be replaced with the actual name (absolute path) of the directory containing the source code of our n6sdk-based project.)

Now, we will copy the template of the configuration file for production:

$ cd /opt/myn6-srv
$ sudo cp <the main directory of the project>/production.ini ./

You may want to customize the settings it contains, especially to match your production environment, database configuration etc. Just edit the /opt/myn6-srv/production.ini file.

Then, we will create the WSGI script:

$ cat << EOF > prod-venv/myn6-app.wsgi
from pyramid.paster import get_app, setup_logging
ini_path = '/opt/myn6-srv/production.ini'
application = get_app(ini_path, 'main')

It is also good idea to provide a Python egg cache:

$ sudo mkdir /opt/myn6-srv/.python-eggs

We need to ensure that the Apache’s user has write access to it. On Debian GNU/Linux it can be done by executing:

$ sudo chown www-data /opt/myn6-srv/.python-eggs

Now, we need to adjust the Apache configuration. On Debian GNU/Linux it can be done by executing:

$ cat << EOF > prod-venv/myn6.apache
<VirtualHost *:80>
  # Only one Python sub-interpreter should be used
  # (multiple ones do not cooperate well with C extensions).
  WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}

  # Remove the following line if you use native Apache authorisation.
  WSGIPassAuthorization On

  WSGIDaemonProcess myn6_srv \\
    python-path=/opt/myn6-srv/prod-venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages \\
  WSGIScriptAlias /myn6 /opt/myn6-srv/prod-venv/myn6-app.wsgi

  <Directory /opt/myn6-srv/prod-venv>
    WSGIProcessGroup myn6_srv
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

  # Logging of errors and other events:
  ErrorLog \${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
  # Possible values for the LogLevel directive include:
  # debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit, alert, emerg.
  LogLevel warn

  # Logging of client requests:
  CustomLog \${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

  # It is recommended to uncomment and adjust the following line.
  #ServerAdmin webmaster@yourserver.example.com
$ sudo mv prod-venv/myn6.apache /etc/apache2/sites-available/myn6
$ sudo chown root:root /etc/apache2/sites-available/myn6
$ sudo chmod 644 /etc/apache2/sites-available/myn6
$ cd /etc/apache2/sites-enabled
$ sudo ln -s ../sites-available/myn6 001-myn6

You may want or need to adjust the contents of the newly created file (/etc/apache2/sites-available/myn6) – especially regarding the following directives (see the comments accompanying them in the file):

  • WSGIPassAuthorization,
  • ErrorLog and LogLevel,
  • CustomLog,
  • ServerAdmin.

See also

If we have the default Apache configuration on Debian, we need to disable the default site by removing the symbolic link:

$ rm 000-default

Finally, let us restart the Apache daemon. On Debian GNU/Linux it can be done by executing:

$ sudo service apache2 restart

Our application should be being served now. Try visiting the following URL (with any web browser or, for example, with the wget command-line tool):

http://<your apache server address>/myn6/incidents.json

(Of course, <your apache server address> needs to be replaced with the actual host address of your Apache server, for example or localhost.)