Source code for n6sdk.pyramid_commons

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (c) 2013-2014 NASK. All rights reserved.

.. note::

   Most of the classes defined in this module are not fully documented
   yet.  For basic information how to use them (or at least most of
   them) -- please consult the :ref:`tutorial`.

import functools
import logging

from pyramid.config import Configurator
from pyramid.decorator import reify
from pyramid.httpexceptions import (
from pyramid.response import Response
from import (

from n6sdk.class_helpers import attr_required
from n6sdk.data_spec import BaseDataSpec
from n6sdk.encoding_helpers import ascii_str
from n6sdk.exceptions import (
from n6sdk.pyramid_commons import renderers as standard_stream_renderers

LOGGER = logging.getLogger()

# Auxiliary constants

DUMMY_PERMISSION = "dummy_permission"

# Basic classes

[docs]class DefaultRootFactory(object): """ A Pyramid-URL-dispatch-related class. Typically, when using *n6sdk*, you do not need to bother about it. """ __acl__ = [ #(Allow, "group:admin", ALL_PERMISSIONS), (Allow, Authenticated, DUMMY_PERMISSION), ] def __init__(self, request): self.request = request
[docs]class StreamResponse(Response): """ A *response* class used to serve streamed HTTP responses to client queries. Constructor args/kwargs: `data_generator`: An iterator/generator (being a data backend API's method call result) that yields subsequent result dictionaries. `renderer_name`: The name of the stream renderer to be used to render the response (e.g., ``'json'``). The renderer should have been registered -- see the documentation of :func:`register_stream_renderer`. `request`: A Pyramid *request* object. """ def __init__(self, data_generator, renderer_name, request): super(StreamResponse, self).__init__(conditional_response=True) renderer_factory = registered_stream_renderers[renderer_name] self.stream_renderer = renderer_factory(data_generator, request) self.content_type = self.stream_renderer.content_type app_iter = self.stream_renderer.generate_content() self.app_iter = app_iter
[docs]class DefaultStreamViewBase(object): resource_id = None renderers = None data_spec = None data_backend_api_method = None #: Can be set to False in a subclass to skip result #: records that could not be cleaned (by default #: :exc:`pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPServerError` is raised). break_on_result_cleaning_error = True @classmethod
[docs] def concrete_view_class(cls, resource_id, renderers, data_spec, data_backend_api_method): """ Create a concrete view subclass (for a particular REST API resource). This method is called automatically (by :meth:`HttpResource.configure_views`). Args/kwargs: `resource_id` (string): The identified of the HTTP resource (as given as the first argument for the :class:`HttpResource` costructor). `renderers` (:class:`frozenset` of strings): Names of available stream renderers (each of them should have been registered -- see the documentation of :func:`register_stream_renderer`). `data_spec` (instance of a :class:`.BaseDataSpec` subclass): The data spec object used to validate and adjust query parameters and output data. `data_backend_api_method` (string): The name of a data backend API method to be called by the view. Returns: A concrete subclass of the class. Raises: :exc:`~exceptions.ValueError`: If any of the `renderers` has not been registered. :exc:`~exceptions.TypeError`: If `data_spec` is a class and not an instance of a data specification class. """ illegal_renderers = renderers - registered_stream_renderers.viewkeys() if illegal_renderers: raise ValueError( 'the following stream renderers have not been registered: ' + ', '.join(sorted(map(repr, illegal_renderers)))) if isinstance(data_spec, type) and issubclass(data_spec, BaseDataSpec): raise TypeError( 'a BaseDataSpec *subclass* has been passed but an ' '*instance* of a BaseDataSpec subclass is needed') _resource_id = resource_id _renderers = renderers _data_spec = data_spec _data_backend_api_method = data_backend_api_method class view_class(cls): resource_id = _resource_id renderers = _renderers data_spec = _data_spec data_backend_api_method = _data_backend_api_method view_class.__name__ = '_{0}_subclass_for_{1}'.format( cls.__name__, data_backend_api_method) return view_class
@attr_required('resource_id', 'renderers', 'data_spec', 'data_backend_api_method') def __init__(self, context, request): self.request = request @reify
[docs] def renderer_name(self): renderer_name = self.request.matchdict.get('renderer', None) if renderer_name not in self.renderers: raise HTTPNotFound return renderer_name
def __call__(self): self.params = self.prepare_params() data_generator = self.call_api() return StreamResponse(data_generator, self.renderer_name, self.request)
[docs] def prepare_params(self): param_dict = dict(self.iter_deduplicated_params()) clean_param_dict_kwargs = self.get_clean_param_dict_kwargs() try: return self.data_spec.clean_param_dict( param_dict, **clean_param_dict_kwargs) except AuthorizationError as exc: LOGGER.debug('Authorization not successful: %r', exc) raise HTTPForbidden(exc.public_message) except ParamCleaningError as exc: LOGGER.debug('Request parameters not valid: %r', exc) raise HTTPBadRequest(exc.public_message) except DataAPIError as exc: LOGGER.exception('Data backend API error: %r', exc) raise HTTPServerError(exc.public_message)
[docs] def iter_deduplicated_params(self): for key, value in self.request.params.iteritems(): try: self.request.params.getone(key) except KeyError: raise HTTPBadRequest('Query parameter "{}" duplicated.' .format(ascii_str(key))) else: yield key, value
[docs] def call_api(self): api_method_name = self.data_backend_api_method api_method = getattr(self.request.registry.data_backend_api, api_method_name, None) if api_method is None: LOGGER.exception('Data backend API has no method %r', api_method_name) raise HTTPServerError clean_result_dict = self.data_spec.clean_result_dict clean_result_dict_kwargs = self.get_clean_result_dict_kwargs() try: for result_dict in self.call_api_method(api_method): try: yield clean_result_dict( result_dict, **clean_result_dict_kwargs) except ResultCleaningError as exc: if self.break_on_result_cleaning_error: raise else: LOGGER.error( 'Some results not yielded due ' 'to the cleaning error: %r', exc) except AuthorizationError as exc: LOGGER.debug('Authorization not successful: %r', exc) raise HTTPForbidden(exc.public_message) except TooMuchDataError as exc: LOGGER.debug('Too much data requested: %r', exc) raise HTTPForbidden(exc.public_message) except ResultCleaningError as exc: LOGGER.exception('Result cleaning error: %r', exc) raise HTTPServerError(exc.public_message) except DataAPIError as exc: LOGGER.exception('Data backend API error: %r', exc) raise HTTPServerError(exc.public_message)
[docs] def call_api_method(self, api_method): return api_method( self.request.auth_data, self.params, **self.get_extra_api_kwargs())
[docs] def get_clean_param_dict_kwargs(self): return {}
[docs] def get_clean_result_dict_kwargs(self): return {}
[docs] def get_extra_api_kwargs(self): return {}
[docs]class HttpResource(object): """ A class of containers of REST API resource properties. Required constructor arguments (all of them are keyword-only!): `resource_id` (string): The identified of the HTTP resource. It will be used as the Pyramid route name. `url_pattern` (string): A URL path pattern ending with the ``.{renderer}`` placeholder. Example value: ``"/some-url-path/incidents.{renderer}"``. `renderers` (string or iterable of strings): Names of available stream renderers (each of them should have been registered -- see the documentation of :func:`register_stream_renderer`). Example value: ``("json", "sjson")``. `data_spec` (instance of a :class:`.BaseDataSpec` subclass): The data specification object used to validate and adjust query parameters and output data. `data_backend_api_method` (string): The name of the data backend api method to be called by the view. Optional constructor arguments (all of them are keyword-only!): `view_base` (:class:`DefaultStreamViewBase` subclass): The base class of the view; default: :class:`DefaultStreamViewBase`. `http_methods` (string or iterable of strings): Names of HTTP methods enabled for the resource; default: tuple ``('GET',)``. `parmission`: An object representing a Pyramid permission; default: string ``"dummy_permission"``. .. seealso:: * :meth:`DefaultStreamViewBase.concrete_view_class`, * :class:`ConfigHelper`. """ def __init__(self, resource_id, url_pattern, renderers, data_spec, data_backend_api_method, view_base=DefaultStreamViewBase, http_methods=DEFAULT_HTTP_METHODS, permission=DUMMY_PERMISSION, **kwargs): self.resource_id = resource_id if not url_pattern.endswith('.{renderer}'): LOGGER.exception("url_pattern must contain '.{renderer}' suffix") raise HTTPServerError self.url_pattern = url_pattern self.renderers = ( frozenset([renderers]) if isinstance(renderers, basestring) else frozenset(renderers)) self.data_spec = data_spec self.data_backend_api_method = data_backend_api_method self.view_base = view_base self.http_methods = ( (http_methods,) if isinstance(http_methods, basestring) else tuple(http_methods)) self.permission = permission return super(HttpResource, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def configure_views(self, config): """ Automatically called by :meth:`ConfigHelper.make_wsgi_app` or :meth:`ConfigHelper.complete`. """ route_name = self.resource_id view_class = self.view_base.concrete_view_class( self.resource_id, self.renderers, self.data_spec, self.data_backend_api_method, ) config.add_route(route_name, self.url_pattern) config.add_view( view=view_class, route_name=route_name, request_method=self.http_methods, permission=self.permission, ) # # Application startup/configuration
[docs]class ConfigHelper(object): """ Class of an object that automatizes necessary WSGI app setup steps. Typical usage in your Pyramid application's ````: .. code-block:: python RESOURCES = <list of HttpResource instances> def main(global_config, **settings): helper = ConfigHelper( settings, data_backend_api_class=MyDataBackendAPI, authentication_policy=MyCustomAuthenticationPolicy(settings), resources=RESOURCES, ) ... # <- here you can call any methods of the helper.config object ... # which is a pyramid.config.Configurator instance return helper.make_wsgi_app() """ #: (overridable attribute) default_static_view_config = None #: (overridable attribute) default_root_factory = DefaultRootFactory def __init__(self, # note: all the arguments should be passed as keyword arguments settings, data_backend_api_class, authentication_policy, resources, static_view_config=None, root_factory=None, **rest_configurator_kwargs): self.settings = self.prepare_settings(settings) self.data_backend_api_class = data_backend_api_class self.authentication_policy = authentication_policy self.resources = resources if static_view_config is None: static_view_config = self.default_static_view_config self.static_view_config = static_view_config if root_factory is None: root_factory = self.default_root_factory self.root_factory = root_factory self.rest_configurator_kwargs = rest_configurator_kwargs self.config = self.prepare_config(self.make_config()) self._completed = False
[docs] def make_wsgi_app(self): if not self._completed: self.complete() return self.config.make_wsgi_app() # overridable/extendable methods:
[docs] def prepare_settings(self, settings): return dict(settings)
[docs] def make_config(self): return Configurator( settings=self.settings, authentication_policy=self.authentication_policy, root_factory=self.root_factory, **self.rest_configurator_kwargs)
[docs] def prepare_config(self, config): config.registry.data_backend_api = self.make_data_backend_api() config.add_request_method(self.authentication_policy.get_auth_data, 'auth_data', reify=True) return config
[docs] def make_data_backend_api(self): return self.data_backend_api_class(settings=self.settings)
[docs] def complete(self): for res in self.resources: res.configure_views(self.config) if self.static_view_config: self.config.add_static_view(**self.static_view_config) self._completed = True # # Stream renderer registration
registered_stream_renderers = {}
[docs]def register_stream_renderer(name, renderer_factory=None, allow_replace=False): """ Register a stream renderer factory under the specified name. Args: `name` (:class:`str`): The name of the renderer. `renderer_factory` (callable object): A callable that takes two positional arguments: `data_generator` and `request` (see the documentation of :class:`StreamResponse` for the description of them), and returns a stream renderer. Stream renderer is an iterable that yields consecutive parts of the response for WSGI's :meth:`app_iter`. It is different than Pyramid renderers. `allow_replace` (:class:`bool`; default: :obj:`False`): If set to true you can replace a renderer factory with another one. Raises: :exc:`~exceptions.RuntimeError`: If `name` has been already used and `allow_replace` is not true. Basic usage: .. code-block:: python register_stream_renderer(<renderer name>, <renderer factory>) or: .. code-block:: python @register_stream_renderer(<renderer name>) def make_my_renderer(data_generator, request): ... or: .. code-block:: python @register_stream_renderer(<renderer name>) class MyRenderer(...): def __init__(self, data_generator, request): ... ... """ if renderer_factory is None: return functools.partial( register_stream_renderer, name, allow_replace=allow_replace) if name in registered_stream_renderers and not allow_replace: raise RuntimeError('renderer {0!r} already registered'.format(name)) registered_stream_renderers[name] = renderer_factory return renderer_factory
register_stream_renderer('json', standard_stream_renderers.StreamRenderer_json) register_stream_renderer('sjson', standard_stream_renderers.StreamRenderer_sjson) # # Authentication policies
[docs]class BaseAuthenticationPolicy(object): """ The base class for authentication policy classes. See:\ latest/narr/security.html#creating-your-own-authentication-policy """
[docs] def unauthenticated_userid(self, request): raise NotImplementedError( 'abstract method unauthenticated_userid() not implemented')
[docs] def get_auth_data(request): """ Determines the value that will be set as the :attr:`auth_data` of the `request` object. This function is used as a `request` method that provides the :attr:`auth_data` `request` attribute (see: :meth:`ConfigHelper.prepare_config` above), which means that this function is called *after* :meth:`unauthenticated_userid` and *before* meth:`authenticated_userid`. It should be implemented as a *static method*. Concrete implementation of this method will probably make use of the :attr:`unauthenticated_userid` attribute of `request` (in older versions of Pyramid the :func:`unauthenticated_userid` function from the :mod:`` module was used instead of that attribute). Returns: Authentication data (in an application-specific format). The default implementation returns :obj:`None`. """ return None
[docs] def authenticated_userid(self, request): """ Concrete implementation of this method will probably make use of the :attr:`auth_data` attribute of `request`. (The value of that attribute is produced by the :meth:`get_auth_data` method.) """ return None
[docs] def effective_principals(self, request): effective_principals = [Everyone] if request.auth_data is not None: effective_principals.append(Authenticated) return effective_principals
[docs] def forget(self, request): """ Can be left dummy if users are recognized externally, e.g. by SSL cert. """
[docs] def remember(self, request, principal, **kw): """ Can be left dummy if users are recognized externally, e.g. by SSL cert. """
[docs]class AnonymousAuthenticationPolicy(BaseAuthenticationPolicy): """ A dummy authentication policy: authenticates everybody (as ``"anonymous"``). It sets, for all requests, the *user id* and the *authentication data* to the string ``"anonymous"``. """
[docs] def unauthenticated_userid(self, request): return "anonymous"
[docs] def get_auth_data(request): return request.unauthenticated_userid # just string "anonymous"
[docs] def authenticated_userid(self, request): return request.auth_data # just string "anonymous"