
class n6sdk.encoding_helpers.AsciiMixIn[source]

Bases: object

A mix-in class that provides the __str__(), __unicode__() and __format__() special methods based on ascii_str().

>>> class SomeBase(object):
...     def __str__(self):
...         return 'Cośtam-cośtam'
...     def __format__(self, fmt):
...         return 'Nó i ' + fmt
>>> class MyClass(AsciiMixIn, SomeBase):
...     pass
>>> obj = MyClass()
>>> str(obj)
>>> unicode(obj)
>>> format(obj)
'N\\xf3 i '
>>> 'Oto {0:ś}'.format(obj)
'Oto N\\xf3 i \\u015b'
>>> u'Oto {0:\\u015b}'.format(obj)  # unicode format string
u'Oto N\\xf3 i \\u015b'
>>> 'Oto {0!s}'.format(obj)
'Oto Co\\u015btam-co\\u015btam'
>>> 'Oto %s' % obj
'Oto Co\\u015btam-co\\u015btam'
>>> u'Oto %s' % obj                 # unicode format string
u'Oto Co\\u015btam-co\\u015btam'

Convert the given object to a unicode string.

Unlike ascii_str(), this function is not decoding-error-proof and does not apply any escaping.

The function requires that the given object is one of the following:

  • a unicode string,
  • a UTF-8-decodable str string,
  • an object that produces one of the above kinds of strings when converted using unicode or str, or repr() (the conversions are tried in this order);

if not – UnicodeDecodeError is raised.

>>> as_unicode(u'')
>>> as_unicode('')
>>> as_unicode(u'O\u0142\xf3wek') == u'O\u0142\xf3wek'
>>> as_unicode('O\xc5\x82\xc3\xb3wek') == u'O\u0142\xf3wek'
>>> as_unicode(ValueError(u'O\u0142\xf3wek')) == u'O\u0142\xf3wek'
>>> as_unicode(ValueError('O\xc5\x82\xc3\xb3wek')) == u'O\u0142\xf3wek'
>>> class Hard(object):
...     def __str__(self): raise UnicodeError
...     def __unicode__(self): raise UnicodeError
...     def __repr__(self): return 'foo'
>>> as_unicode(Hard())
>>> as_unicode('\xdd')  
Traceback (most recent call last):
UnicodeDecodeError: ...

Safely convert the given object to an ASCII-only str.

This function does its best to obtain a pure-ASCII string representation (possibly str/unicode()-like, though repr() can also be used as the last-resort fallback) – not raising any encoding/decoding exceptions.

The result is an ASCII str, with non-ASCII characters escaped using Python literal notation (\x..., \u..., \U...).

>>> ascii_str('')
>>> ascii_str(u'')
>>> ascii_str('Ala ma kota\nA kot?\n2=2 ')   # pure ASCII str => unchanged
'Ala ma kota\nA kot?\n2=2 '
>>> ascii_str(u'Ala ma kota\nA kot?\n2=2 ')
'Ala ma kota\nA kot?\n2=2 '
>>> ascii_str(ValueError('Ech, ale błąd!'))  # UTF-8 str => decoded
'Ech, ale b\\u0142\\u0105d!'
>>> ascii_str(ValueError(u'Ech, ale b\u0142\u0105d!'))
'Ech, ale b\\u0142\\u0105d!'
>>> ascii_str('\xee\xdd \t jaźń')  # non-UTF-8 str => using surrogateescape
'\\udcee\\udcdd \t ja\\u017a\\u0144'
>>> ascii_str(u'\udcee\udcdd \t ja\u017a\u0144')
'\\udcee\\udcdd \t ja\\u017a\\u0144'
>>> class Nasty(object):
...     def __str__(self): raise UnicodeError
...     def __unicode__(self): raise UnicodeError
...     def __repr__(self): return 'really nas\xc5\xa7y! \xaa'
>>> ascii_str(Nasty())
'really nas\\u0167y! \\udcaa'

Provide the surrogateescape error handler for bytes-to-unicode decoding.

The source code of the function has been copied from https://bitbucket.org/haypo/misc/src/d76f4ff5d27c746c883d40160c8b4fb0891e79f2/python/surrogateescape.py?at=default and then adjusted, optimized and commented. Original code was created by Victor Stinner and released by him under the Python license and the BSD 2-clause license.

The surrogateescape error handler is provided out-of-the-box in Python 3 but not in Python 2. It can be used to convert arbitrary binary data to Unicode in a practically non-destructive way.

This implementation (for Python 2) covers only the decoding part of the handler, i.e. the str-to-unicode conversion. The encoding (unicode-to-str) part is not implemented. Note, however, that once we transformed a binary data into a surrogate-escaped Unicode data we can (in Python 2) freely encode/decode it (unicode-to/from-str), not using surrogateescape anymore, e.g.:

>>> # We assume that the function has already been called --
>>> # as it is imported and called in N6SDK/n6sdk/__init__.py
>>> b = 'ołówek \xee\xdd'          # utf-8 text + some non-utf-8 mess
>>> b
'o\xc5\x82\xc3\xb3wek \xee\xdd'
>>> u = b.decode('utf-8', 'surrogateescape')
>>> u
u'o\u0142\xf3wek \udcee\udcdd'
>>> b2 = u.encode('utf-8')
>>> b2                             # now all stuff is utf-8 encoded
'o\xc5\x82\xc3\xb3wek \xed\xb3\xae\xed\xb3\x9d'
>>> u2 = b2.decode('utf-8')
>>> u2 == u
>>> u.encode('latin2',             
...          'surrogateescape')    # does not work for *encoding*
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: don't know how to handle UnicodeEncodeError in error callback

This function is idempotent (i.e., it can be called safely multiple times – because if the handler is already registered the function does not try to register it again) though it is not thread-safe (typically it does not matter as the function is supposed to be called somewhere at the beginning of program execution).


This function is called automatically on first import of n6sdk module or any of its submodules.


In Python 3 (if you were using a Python-3-based application or script to handle data produced with Python 2), the utf-8 codec (as well as other utf-... codecs) does not decode surrogate-escaped data encoded to bytes with the Python 2’s utf-8 codec unless the surrogatepass error handler is used for decoding (on the Python 3 side).