

Most of the classes defined in this module are not fully documented yet. For basic information how to use them (or at least most of them) – please consult the Tutorial.

class n6sdk.pyramid_commons.DefaultRootFactory(request)[source]

Bases: object

A Pyramid-URL-dispatch-related class.

Typically, when using n6sdk, you do not need to bother about it.

class n6sdk.pyramid_commons.StreamResponse(data_generator, renderer_name, request)[source]

Bases: pyramid.response.Response

A response class used to serve streamed HTTP responses to client queries.

Constructor args/kwargs:
An iterator/generator (being a data backend API’s method call result) that yields subsequent result dictionaries.
The name of the stream renderer to be used to render the response (e.g., 'json'). The renderer should have been registered – see the documentation of register_stream_renderer().
A Pyramid request object.
class n6sdk.pyramid_commons.DefaultStreamViewBase(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

resource_id = None
renderers = None
data_spec = None
data_backend_api_method = None
adjust_exc = None
break_on_result_cleaning_error = True

This flag can be set to False in a subclass to skip result records that could not be cleaned. By default (when it is set to True), an error is raised if a result record could not be cleaned (then, typically, the final outcome is discontinuation of the – already partially sent – response).

classmethod concrete_view_class(resource_id, renderers, data_spec, data_backend_api_method, adjust_exc)[source]

Create a concrete view subclass (for a particular REST API resource).

This method is called automatically (by HttpResource.configure_views()).

resource_id (string):
The identifier of the HTTP resource (as given as the resource_id argument for the HttpResource costructor).
renderers (frozenset of strings):
Names of available stream renderers (each of them should have been registered – see the documentation of register_stream_renderer()).
data_spec (instance of a BaseDataSpec subclass):
The data spec object used to validate and adjust query parameters and output data.
data_backend_api_method (string):
The name of a data backend API method to be called by the view.
adjust_exc (callable object):

A callable that will be called when an exception (derived from Exception) occurs during response generation. The callable must take one argument: an instance of Exception (or of its subclass). The callable must return any exception object – it can be either a new exception or the given exception object (possibly somewhat enriched).


Typically the callable is ConfigHelper.exc_to_http_exc() (for details, see the source code of: HttpResource.configure_views(), ConfigHelper.complete() and ConfigHelper.exc_to_http_exc()).

A concrete subclass of the class.
If any of the renderers has not been registered.
If data_spec is a class and not an instance of a data specification class.
class n6sdk.pyramid_commons.HttpResource(resource_id, url_pattern, renderers, data_spec, data_backend_api_method, view_base=<class 'n6sdk.pyramid_commons.DefaultStreamViewBase'>, http_methods=('GET', ), permission='dummy_permission', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

A class of containers of REST API resource properties.

Required constructor arguments (all of them are keyword-only!):
resource_id (string):
The identifier of the HTTP resource. It will be used as the Pyramid route name.
url_pattern (string):
A URL path pattern ending with the .{renderer} placeholder. Example value: "/some-url-path/incidents.{renderer}".
renderers (string or iterable of strings):
Names of available stream renderers (each of them should have been registered – see the documentation of register_stream_renderer()). Example value: ("json", "sjson").
data_spec (instance of a BaseDataSpec subclass):
The data specification object used to validate and adjust query parameters and output data.
data_backend_api_method (string):
The name of the data backend api method to be called by the view.
Optional constructor arguments (all of them are keyword-only!):
view_base (DefaultStreamViewBase subclass):
The base class of the view; default: DefaultStreamViewBase.
http_methods (string or iterable of strings):
Names of HTTP methods enabled for the resource; default: tuple ('GET',).
An object representing a Pyramid permission; default: string "dummy_permission".
configure_views(config, adjust_exc)[source]

Automatically called by ConfigHelper.make_wsgi_app() or ConfigHelper.complete().

class n6sdk.pyramid_commons.ConfigHelper(settings, data_backend_api_class, authentication_policy, resources, static_view_config=None, root_factory=None, **rest_configurator_kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Class of an object that automatizes necessary WSGI app setup steps.

Typical usage in your Pyramid application’s __init__.py:

RESOURCES = <list of HttpResource instances>

def main(global_config, **settings):
    helper = ConfigHelper(
    ...  # <- here you can call any methods of the helper.config object
    ...  #    which is a pyramid.config.Configurator instance
    return helper.make_wsgi_app()

Note: all constructor arguments should be specified as keyword arguments.

default_static_view_config = None

(overridable attribute)


(overridable attribute)

alias of DefaultRootFactory

classmethod exception_view(exc, request)[source]
classmethod exc_to_http_exc(exc)[source]

Takes any Exception instance, returns a pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPException instance.

n6sdk.pyramid_commons.register_stream_renderer(name, renderer_factory=None, allow_replace=False)[source]

Register a stream renderer factory under the specified name.

name (str):
The name of the renderer.
renderer_factory (callable object):
A callable that takes two positional arguments: data_generator and request (see the documentation of StreamResponse for the description of them), and returns a stream renderer. Stream renderer is an iterable that yields consecutive parts of the response for WSGI’s app_iter(). It is different than Pyramid renderers.
allow_replace (bool; default: False):
If set to true you can replace a renderer factory with another one.
If name has been already used and allow_replace is not true.

Basic usage:

register_stream_renderer(<renderer name>, <renderer factory>)


@register_stream_renderer(<renderer name>)
def make_my_renderer(data_generator, request):


@register_stream_renderer(<renderer name>)
class MyRenderer(...):
    def __init__(self, data_generator, request):
class n6sdk.pyramid_commons.BaseAuthenticationPolicy[source]

Bases: object

The base class for authentication policy classes.

See: http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid/en/latest/narr/security.html#creating-your-own-authentication-policy

static get_auth_data(request)[source]

Determines the value that will be set as the auth_data of the request object.

This function is used as a request method that provides the auth_data request attribute (see: ConfigHelper.prepare_config() above), which means that this function is called after unauthenticated_userid() and before meth:`authenticated_userid.

It should be implemented as a static method.

Concrete implementation of this method will probably make use of the unauthenticated_userid attribute of request (in older versions of Pyramid the unauthenticated_userid() function from the pyramid.security module was used instead of that attribute).

Authentication data (in an application-specific format). The default implementation returns None.

Concrete implementation of this method will probably make use of the auth_data attribute of request. (The value of that attribute is produced by the get_auth_data() method.)


Can be left dummy if users are recognized externally, e.g. by SSL cert.

remember(request, principal, **kw)[source]

Can be left dummy if users are recognized externally, e.g. by SSL cert.

class n6sdk.pyramid_commons.AnonymousAuthenticationPolicy[source]

Bases: n6sdk.pyramid_commons.BaseAuthenticationPolicy

A dummy authentication policy: authenticates everybody (as "anonymous").

It sets, for all requests, the user id and the authentication data to the string "anonymous".

static get_auth_data(request)[source]